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Konferenzen, Podien /
Conferences, Podia
- Erasmus+ Project Advancing Supervision for Artistic Research Doctorates, Multiplier Event: Challenges of Doctoral Supervision. (Member and co-presenter)
Organised by ELIA, pre-event to ELIA Academy, Stuttgart/Germany, Sep 24+25, 2019. - Lunch Table Talks, Table 5: Pedagogies. (Facilitator)
At: Erasmus+ Project Advancing Supervision for Artistic Research Doctorates, Multiplier Event: Challenges of Doctoral Supervision.
Organised by ELIA, pre-event to ELIA Academy, Stuttgart/Germany, Sep 25, 2019. - Research Pavilion #3: Research Ecologies, Venice.
(Member Switchboard, together with: Esa Kirkkopelto, UNIARTS Helsinki, Finland; Ellen Rœd, UNIARTS, Stockholm, Sweden; Anna-Kaisa Rastenberger, UNIARTS Helsinki, Finland; Sunjung Kim, Korea National University of Arts)
Organized by University of the Arts Helsinki, commissioned by Mika Elo and Henk Slager, Venice/Italy, Sala del Camino on Giudecca, May – August 2019. - Helmut Milz Der eigen-sinnige Mensch. Körper, Leib und Seele im Wandel. Podiumsgespräch Buchpräsentation (Moderator).
Cabaret Voltaire, Spiegelgasse 1, Zürich, 17.6.2019. - Advancing Supervision for Artistic Research Doctorates. (Input, Panelist)
Panel ‚Rethinking Models for Doctoral Study‘, conference Per/Forming Futures, Investigating Artistic Doctorates in Dance and Performance, curated by Artistic Doctorates in Europe (ADiE), Middlesex University, London, April 13, 2019. - 10th SAR International Conference on Artistic Research 2019. (Project governance, chair selection committee)
Organized by Society for Artistic Research (SAR) and Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). Zurich, Toni-Areal, March 21-23, 2019.
- What Can the City Do to Make Artistic Research Resilient?
Input by the ELIA Working Group „Artistic Research“ (member), given at the „ELIA Afternoon“ at 15th ELIA Biennial Conference, Rotterdam, Nov 21, 2018. - Über Leben – Wie leben KünstlerInnen? Erfahrungen, Haltungen, Strategien. (Mitorganisator und Moderator)
Tagung des Departements Kunst & Medien, organisiert von Laura von Niederhäusern und Giaco Schiesser. Zürich, ZHdK, 26.-28. April 2018. - Vom Eigen- und Scharfsinn der Künste.
Einleitung zur Tagung Über Leben – Wie leben KünstlerInnen? Erfahrungen, Haltungen, Strategie Zürich, 26.-28. April 2018. - 9th SAR International Conference on Artistic Research:Artistic Research Will Eat Itself. (Executive Board member)
Organized by SAR and University of Plymouth, Plymouth, April 12+13, 2018. - On Epistemology. (Co-Founder + Co-Chair)
Founding Event of SAR-Academy. Organized by Society for Artistic Research, SAR. Barcelona, March 15+16, 2018. (Co-chair, Co-organizer) - Artistic Research Artefacts as Epistemological Objects.
Input, given at the 1st SAR Academy. Organized by Society for Artistic Research, SAR. Barcelona, March 15, 2018.
- „Selbst/Portrait“ – Ausstellung, Interaktion, Kunst und Vorträge. (Mitinitiant und Mitorganisator)
Ausstellung und Themenreihe, organisiert vom Verein Kunst, Psychoanalyse und Kultur; Theater der Künste/ZHdK, Zürich, 9.-24. September 2017. Selbst/Portrait - National Research Agencies Seminar about Artistic Research. (Mitinitiant und Mitorganisator)
Organized by Society for Artistic Research, SAR. Vienna, Sep 14+15, 2017. - Moderator thematic sessions „Logics of Presentation“ + „Beyond Propositions“, Conference Please Specify! Sharing Artistic Research Across Disciplines.
Internationl Conference on Artistic Reseaerch, organized by Society for Artistic Research (SAR) and University of the Arts Helsinki, Helsinki, April 28+29, 2017. Please Specify!
- What is at stake? Research in the Arts and the Question of Artistic PhD formats.
Lecture and panel, given at the conference Research in the Arts. A survey of artistic forms and formats as doctoral theses in the Arts, organized by the Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts (ARIA), Antwerp, Dec 14-16, 2016. ARIA_2016 - Co-Author and co-presenter of The ‚Florence Principles’ on the Doctorate in the Arts. A publication by European League of the Institutes of the Arts (ELIA), Amsterdam 2016.
Presented at 14th ELIA Biennial Conference Turn Mirror into Windows (Plenary Session), Florence, Dec 2, 2016. - Panelist on the Panel 3rd Cycle Supervision.
Panel at 14th ELIA Biennial Conference Turn Mirror into Windows (Thematic Session), Florence, Dec 2, 2016. - Erfahrungsträger am 15. Kolloquium „Design promoviert“.
Veranstaltet von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Designtheorie und -forschung (dgtf;), Kunstuniversität Linz, June 11, 2016. - Moderator parallel workshop Art, Philosophy, Writing and Speech.
Workshop, given at the Society for Artistic (SAR) Conference on Writing, The Hague, April 28+29, 2016.
- ZHdK Tag der Forschung 2015. Zürich, 12.12.2015.
Einführung. - Der ZHdK-Mittelbau im Spannungsfeld von Forschung, Lehre und Laufbahnplanung.Teilnehmer Podium am ZHdK Tag der Forschung 2015. Zürich, 12.12.2015.
- Praktiken des Denkens. Symposium + Workshop.
Moderation Sektion III: Künstlerisches Denken – künstlerische Forschung. Zürich, ZHdK, 10.+11. November 2015. - Battles of Ideas: Who decides what makes art great? (Together with Pius Knüsel, Aoife Rosenmeyer, Michael Savage, chaired by Pauline Hadaway).
Satellite event, organized by Zurich Salon, in association with the British Swiss Chamber of Commerce and the Karl der Grosse. Zurich, Zentrum Karl der Grosse, Oct 20, 2015. Zurich Salon 2015 - Art schools and Artistic PhD – Reality and Necessity.
Conference, organized by the dossier Research of ZHdK, Zurich, May 21-22, 2015. (Co-Chair, together with Prof. Dr. Dieter Mersch)
- Panel: Arts, Research, Innovation and Society. (Panelist)
Veranstaltet von der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, anlässlich der Buchpräsentation Band 1 der Reihe Arts, Research, Innovation and Society, Angewandte Innovation Laboratory, Wien, 1.12.2014. - Panel: Artistic Research after SHARE. Panel at the 13th ELIA Biannial Conference Location – Aesthetics, Glasgow, Nov 15, 2014.
Panelist. - Research Strategy at ZHdK and at Department of Art & Media.
Presentation given at the Research Strategy Seminar, organized by University of the Arts Helsinki, Helsinki, May 15, 2014. - So erlebe ich den Wandel bei den Studierenden – Studierendengenerationen aus subjektiver Sicht (Bereich Kunst und Gestaltung).
Input am HEM Focus Seminar Studierende gestern – heute – morgen: Wie bleiben die Hochschulen die richtigen Partner für künftige Studierende?, veranstaltet von der KFH, Luzern 13./14.2.2014. - Akquise von Studierenden: Strategien zur Profilierung von Hochschulen und Studiengängen im Ausbildungs- und Weiterbildungsmarkt (Bereich Kunst und Gestaltung).
Diskussionsmoderation am HEM Focus Seminar Studierende gestern – heute – morgen: Wie bleiben die Hochschulen die richtigen Partner für künftige Studierende?, veranstaltet von der KFH, Luzern 13./14.2.2014. - ZHdK Tag der Forschung 2014.
Moderation Podiumsdiskussion. Zürich, 30. Januar 2014.
- Es nimmt kein Ende! Serie als neues Paradigma.
Interdisziplinäre Tagung, organisiert von Entresol, Psychoanalytisches Seminar der Universität Zürich (PSZ) und Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK). Konzept: Daniel Strassberg (Entresol), Olaf Knellesen (PSZ), Giaco Schiesser (ZHdK). Zürich, Kunstraum Walcheturm,, 8./9.11.2013. - West Bund 2013, a Biennial of Architecture and Contemporary Art, Shanghai.
Panelist Forum Cloud Theatre: Shanghai Odyssey. Shanghai, Oct 21, 2013. West Bund Biennial 2013 - 3rd EUFRAD (European Forum for Research Degrees in Art and Design) Network Meeting and Conference (in collaboration with the SHARE network) on the experience and expertise of supervisors in the development and realization of doctoral level work in the arts. Vienna, Sep 20 and 21, 2013. Eufrad_Vienna_2013
Workshop leader, workshop 1: How my roles as supervisor has been defined for me / by me?
Workshop leader, workshop 2: The role / non-role of the supervisor’s artistic / academic practice in supervisory work. - New Aesthetic Research: Artistic Research – A Spark for Re-Enlightenment through the Arts?
Panel discussion within the series Salon Suisse / La Biennale di Venezia 2013, organized by Pro Helvetia, curated by Dr. Jörg Scheller. Venice, Palazzo Trevisan degli Ulivi, 15.6.2013.
Together with Prof. Gertrud Sandqvist /Malmö, Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Rheinberger /Berlin; Prof. Henk Borgdorff /Amsterdam. Salon Suisse_2013 - All we need is art (research)? Bilanzen und Perspektiven zur künstlerischen Forschung an den Kunst(fach)hochschulen.
Podiumsdiskussion, organisiert von SARN (Swiss Artistic Research Network), Basel, 11.6.2013.
Zusammen mit: xxx.
- Vom Nutzen der Künste. Zwischen Kultur und Ökonomie.(= Hochschultag der ZHdK).
Moderation des gleichnamigen Podiums, Zürich, 3. März 2011