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Recent Publications
- Giaco Schiesser: Thinking about Our Times. Angela Lyn’s Passage – in the wake of the world (2023).
In: Angela Lyn: Passage – in the wake of the world. [Exhibition Booklet] Lugano: 2023.
- Giaco Schiesser on Artistic Cooperations, ‘Eigensinn’ and the Work of Angela Lyn. (Interview)
Zürich: Lechbinska Gallery; Video, 53:53, 2023.
- Giaco Schiesser (Hrsg.), Roland Flückiger-Seiler, Corina Lanfranchi, Ralph Feiner (Fotografien): Kurhaus Bergün – Der Traum vom Grand Hotel.
2., durchgesehene und ergänzte Auflage. Zürich: Hier und Jetzt 2022 (2021).
- Giaco Schiesser:
(1) Basic Questionnaire (Template and Example)
(2) Annotated Checklist/Guidelines “Main Problematics of Artistic Research Doctorates Supervision for conceptualizing artistic research doctorates”
(3) Integral Questionnaire for Input / Feedback / Evaluation for PhD candidates, supervisors and administrators alike
[= Output Workpackage Doctoral Supervisors. Multi-skilled Superheroes or Co-Competent Team Workers?]
In: Erasmus+ Research project: Advancing Supervision for Artistic Research Doctorates: Project Outputs (online), March 31, 2022.
- Giaco Schiesser:
(4) Doctoral Supervisors. Some Reflections on the Process, the Research Results and the Delivery of the Work Package.
In: Erasmus+ Research project: Advancing Supervision for Artistic Research Doctorates: Undoing Supervision. A Compendium of Key Issues In Supervising Artistic Research Doctorates (online), March 31, 2022.